Don’t rush to broadcast seed. Canola seed placed into the soil at a uniform depth with starter fertilizer and light on-row packing is the best method for seed survival and……
Canola Watch Posts
Notice our new look? We’re making changes to provide you with more information in an easier format and, when necessary, targeted to your region’s specific issues. In an effort to……
Watch CCC agronomy specialist Jim Bessel explain how to do a seed-colour change assessment…
Consider potential herbicide carryover before seeding canola on any field…
Given the rush to complete the seeding task, growers can't forget to scout their already emerged crop. Keep an eye out for cutworm damage…
Glyphosate works best when applied during daylight hours, and when temperatures are warm and humidity high. Read on for more weather and water tips to improve glyphosate performance…
Lygus feeding at the bud stage is rarely an economic cost — unless the canola is under some other stress, such as drought. Stressed canola may not be able to compensate for lost buds the way a healthy crop can…
Got stressed looking plants? When scouting, check for clubroot. Growers who seeded clubroot-resistant hybrids should know that low-level infection — up to 8% — is normal for these hybrids…
Young canola plants are vulnerable to numerous stresses, particularly flea beetles, cutworms and seedling diseases. It pays to scout often at this time of the season…