• So far relatively low levels of sclerotinia infection are being reported in most areas. Blackleg is appearing in eastern Manitoba and southern Alberta. Scouting and identifying disease(s) present can be a valuable tool for assessing this year’s production practices and preparing for next years. Here’s what to look for…
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  • Scout fields individually and often. Determine swath timing by breaking open pods and assessing the level of seed colour change. Scouting based on field colour change is not a good indication of seed maturity. Maturity can change quickly and it may help to open up the field with a swath cut around the perimeter to grasp where the field is…
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  • Swathing widths have increased in recent years to 30 feet and beyond. A heavy crop cut at thirty feet or more needs only gentle downward pressure on the middle of the swath to be anchored properly. Air movement within the swath is important during curing and dry down. The swath roller should lightly tuck edges. Being too aggressive with the…
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  • Practice leads to perfect. Growers who successfully straight combine say that experience leads to success. If straight combining for the first time in 2011, be sure to start on a small number of acres. This will allow for some experimentation to determine how to make it work with an individual’s equipment. Choose suitable fields. Fields that make good candidates for…
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  • With uneven maturity and later canola crops, this will be another year to watch green counts. Here are some tips to follow when testing for green seed: Rather than start up the combine to take a sample, insert a scoop shovel underneath the swath and use your hands to thresh pods near ground level into the shovel. These plants will…
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  • Lygus populations continue to be high and exceed thresholds in parts of Alberta and Manitoba. Many young nymphs are being found and crops are nearing the end of the susceptible stage so management decisions are being made on a field-by-field basis. Pay attention to pre-harvest intervals (time between application and cutting) this late in the growing season. Once a crop…
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