• If half the field is just beginning seed color change, growers may want to hold off on swathing. By waiting 3 or 4 days, there is minimal risk of frost damage for riper parts of the field and a huge potential benefit for later parts if frost doesn’t occur…
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  • While forecast daytime highs are warm for the next few days, some areas may experience light frosts. If frosts do not dip below -2 C, damage is likely to be minor and swathing prematurely may do more harm than good. However, it is important to get out there and check crops to ensure damage is not greater than expected…
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  • Bertha armyworm is at threshold levels in a few late fields in central Peace and western Saskatchewan regions. Lygus bug feeding continues in parts of Saskatchewan and around Dauphin, Manitoba…
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  • After a light frost of 0 to -2 C, damage is likely to be minor meaning swathing prematurely may do more harm than good. However, it is important to get out there and check crops to ensure damage is not greater than expected…
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  • Some canola growers are swathing canola at 10-15% seed color change because they’re worried about getting all their canola swathed before a heavy frost. If no serious frost in the……
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  • Peace (Alberta and B.C.): Growers in the north are swathing, but for the rest of the region, widespread swathing will not start until the coming weekend. Alberta: Southern Alberta is……
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  • Some growers anxious about the calendar and the typical date of first killing frost are swathing canola early, at around 10-15% seed color change. At this stage, many seeds on the side branches may be watery and translucent. If this represents 30% of seeds, for example, growers must recognize that early swathing could mean sacrificing a large proportion of that…
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  • Just because pods look dry and mature does not mean the seeds are ready for swathing. Sunscald and diseases such as blackleg, sclerotinia and clubroot can make plants look mature but the seeds may still be green. The opposite can also happen where pods look green but the seeds inside are ready. When assessing a canola crop to see if…
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