• Many canola fields that were swathed too early or during hot weather or both will have dried down without sufficient enzyme breakdown of seed chlorophyll, resulting in a high green count. Fields that are dry (less than 10% moisture) and still have 5% green are unlikely to see that green count drop much, unless canola seed moisture rises back up…
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  • Canola harvested hot last week should be on aeration to cool it down. In one case, canola that went into the bin at 35 C and 6% moisture had climbed to 39 C and was starting to smell within a week. Dry canola is not safe if binned hot…
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  • The European Union (EU) has implemented the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) which sets out a 10% mandate for biofuels. The RED requires that all feedstock used to produce biodiesel for the EU market must meet minimum sustainability criteria and be certified as sustainable. All canola exported for the RED market must have a certificate of sustainability attached, and all growers…
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  • Warm days forecast for the coming week will give later canola crops a good chance to ripen further before swathing. If growers have a lot of canola to swath and……
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  • Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Swathing is nearly complete in the north and just starting in the southwest. All other regions are somewhere in between. High temperatures are forecast for the……
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  • Some elevators are reporting higher green seed counts. Swathing too early and swathing in hot and windy conditions are contributing factors in many cases. Cutting canola in hot conditions leads to rapid dry down and desiccation, which doesn’t give chlorophyll time to clear from immature seed. Waiting until less mature seed is at least firm to roll between thumb and…
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  • Canola harvested during this week’s hot weather has to go on aeration to cool it off — even if the seed moisture levels are “dry.” Canola at 10% moisture is at risk of spoilage when put in the bin at 20 C. At temperatures of 25 to 30 C, the spoilage risk is that much greater. Even at 8% moisture,…
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