For weeds that do not "wet" easily avoid using very coarse droplets, and use high water volumes…
Canola Watch Posts
A water rinse is not usually enough to remove herbicide residue from the sprayer system. Herbicides can bind to the tanks and hoses, and most need water plus a cleaning solution to remove them. If not, you never know when the bound herbicide molecules will be released…
When canola is at multiple stages within one field and when weeds are at multiple stages, it can be a challenge to choose the right spray timing. The key is to assess the stage that represents the majority of canola plants…
Please visit the Canola Encyclopedia for more information on herbicide carryover risk factors and symptoms…
Cool conditions have slowed crop development. Seedling diseases are showing up in some canola plants that were seeded weeks ago and are still small. Canola across the Prairies needs heat……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Seeding is basically done but a few fields are being reseeded after another heavy frost in northern locations over the weekend. Growers wondering when to resume……
Timely spray is more important than nozzle choice. AAFC research showed that spraying 7 days after crop emergence generated higher yields than spraying 17 days after emergence, no matter the droplet size. Using a low drift nozzle early was better than waiting longer for a relatively calm day to use a finer spray. Read the whole article for more tips…
Weeds are getting out of control on some unseeded and seeded fields too wet for the ground sprayer. This is especially true on fields that didn’t get a pre-seed burnoff. Aerial spraying may be the best option even at this early stage of the crop. This article has options for aerial herbicide application in canola…