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If fields are moist at the time of flowering, and canola has good yield potential (e.g. 30 bu./ac. or more), then it will probably pay to spray a fungicide to limit sclerotinia losses. Here are a few important questions about the disease:…
Lygus bugs are feeding on canola in the Peace River region and in some parts of central Alberta. Insecticide control at the bud stage is rarely effective or economical. Under good growing conditions, canola can grow through this early damage without any yield loss. Instead of spraying, step up monitoring and proper sweep net sampling and be ready to take…
Canada’s crop protection rules allow growers to tank mix two products as long as they are both registered for the crop in question and at the timing and rates used. But these rules do not ensure these products can be mixed without problems in the tank (they may create a gummy mixture that ruins the sprayer) or without antagonizing each…
Some canola fields are showing signs of sulphur deficiency. Without enough sulphur, it doesn’t matter how much of the other nutrients are available, the canola crop cannot produce top yields. Post-emergence sulphur can be applied up to early flowering and still provide a yield benefit…
Seed companies encourage growers to return unused unopened bags of canola seed. That way the seed company can ensure that seed is stored properly to maintain its high quality. Growers get their money back. At least one company has a deadline of June 30, so if you have seed to return, you may want to check right away…
Insecticide to stop lygus bugs from feeding on canola at the bud stage is rarely effective or economical. Under good growing conditions, canola can grow through this early damage without any yield loss. Instead of spraying, step up monitoring and proper sweep net sampling and be ready to take action at the pod stage if necessary…
Rain in the western Prairies has increased optimism, especially in the Peace River region, central Alberta and parts of Saskatchewan that needed rain. But wet fields will delay timely weed……
Peace Region (B.C. and Alberta): Welcome rains of 2” to 5” fell across most of the region early this week. Rains bypassed the northern Peace region and fields in that……
Label application windows: Glyphosate: Anytime up to and including the 6-leaf stage of canola. Liberty: Cotyledon stage up to the early bolting stage of canola. Odyssey/Absolute: 2- to 6-leaf stage of canola…