• Our current economic threshold tables for lygus in canola may be too low when applied to current canola production systems across the Prairies. If the stand is healthy and growing fast, growers are reportedly doubling or tripling thresholds. There is no data to support this, but future research needs to reexamine the thresholds with respect to our newer varieties of…
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  • Visual assessment of symptoms is not good enough for an accurate diagnosis because symptoms can have many causes. The station hosts used purpling as an example. Purpling is often considered a tell-tale sign of phosphorus deficiency, but purpling is actually a response to any stress…
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  • For every 5 pounds of nitrogen a canola plant takes up, it needs 4 pounds of potassium. Most Prairie soils still have adequate potassium reserves, but tight canola rotations and high canola yields will be mining the soil and deficiencies are starting to show up on some farms…
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  • Seed treatments are, for the most part, very effective against canola seedling diseases fusarium, pythium and rhizoctonia. But plant pathologists expect that continued tight canola rotations will select for seedling disease pathogens that will overcome these treatments…
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