• With Statistics Canada's forecast of a record 20.4 million canola acres in Canada in 2012, some of those acres may be going onto freshly-broken pasture land. Expectations will be very low for canola seeded into these conditions because of weed competition, low nutrients, low moisture, poor seedbed, poor soil quality and wireworms…
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  • Spring fertilizer tests are the most accurate in predicting the soil nutrient situation at seeding time. Labs may be able to provide results within a few days or a week, so spring tests can be done without holding up the seeding process…
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  • Even if growers don’t expect to seed any time soon, they may want to consider a pre-seed burnoff now to get weeds at smaller stages and before they draw down moisture and nutrients that their canola crops will need. Products registered for use ahead of canola are CleanStart, Amitrol 240 and glyphosate…
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  • Growers still looking for some independent data to help with their final canola seed decisions this spring can try out the new selection tool to utilize the Canola Performance Trial……
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  • Canola on canola yields less, in general, than canola grown on any other stubble. Reasons for this yield drop could include one or a combination of the following factors: Disease, Insects, Fertility, Moisture and Weeds. Diversity of attack is key with a tight rotation…
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  • Visit the new Canola Performance Trials website to see third-party comparisons from small plot and field scale plots across the Canadian Prairies. Also, remember to grow only registered varieties…
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  • Canola volunteers with resistance to more than one herbicide are probably more common than you think. If you’ve only grown Liberty Link canola, for example, but your pre-seed glyphosate treatment doesn’t seem to be getting all the volunteers, the volunteers may have resistance to both Liberty and glyphosate…
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