Growers don’t have much time left to control weeds in fields planned for canola next year. But if you saw higher numbers of key canola weeds, such as cleavers, in your cereal crops this year, make a plan now to control them…
Canola Watch Posts
AAFC research scientist Hugh Beckie et al published an article called “GM Canola: The Canadian Experience” in Australia’s Farm Policy Journal. Click "Read more" for a highlight of key findings and a link to the article…
Turn on the aeration fans and leave them on. A lot of canola went into bins hot, and one crusher has already received some 2011 canola with 18% heated seed.……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): The entire region had rain the past few days, with 1” to 1.5” general across the north and less elsewhere. Some fields in the east have……
A lot of canola hit by frost or swathed in the heat is now stuck with high green counts. Every field is different, so there is no one best answer. Here are a few questions to ask and sample scenarios to consider before making the decision to combine now or give the crop more time…
Post harvest weed control can be a valuable step in preparing fields for canola next year, especially if winter annuals and perennials are present in high numbers. Dandelions and thistles, for example, move a lot of energy into their roots this time of year, so fall is an effective time to control these weeds. Here are some tips to improve…
A lot of Prairie canola is in a serious storage situation. A crusher has already received one load of 2011 canola with 18% heated kernels. The canola was combined only three weeks ago and was binned dry — but at 30 C or more. Excess heat is dangerous. The Prairies have had two heat waves during this harvest and some…