The opportunity to spray weeds is nearly closed for this fall, especially on fields planned for canola in 2012. If you have a stretch of warm sunny days in the forecast, you might have a chance to give dandelions one last hit…
Canola Watch Posts
Green seed is the major issue for most growers waiting to finish canola harvest. Green seed levels in some fields are not dropping and are unlikely to drop further without……
Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Harvest is nearly complete in the north, two-thirds complete in B.C., and further behind in central and east regions. Very little has been combined in the……
Growers waiting for green seed levels to drop before combining should weigh the risks. The best bet may be to harvest the crop now to maintain the yield and quality that’s there, and start looking for buyers…
For every 1.0 percentage point increase in oil content, canola should have 0.1 percentage points lower moisture for safe long-term storage. For example, if canola with 40% oil is safe at 8.5% moisture, then canola with 45% oil should be stored at 8% moisture…
Two cases of clubroot have been confirmed in Saskatchewan. Growers in fringe areas where clubroot is at low levels or has not yet been detected are encouraged to check their fields. If clubroot is present but undetected, then growers, custom operators and whomever else visits the field can spread infested soil throughout the farm and to neighboring farms that much…
Growers considering tillage for fall weed control should clean equipment between fields to limit disease (and weed seed) spread. Tillage equipment carrying soil and stubble from field to field can also carry soil- and stubble-borne diseases such as clubroot and blackleg…
If canola is not drying down after a Reglone application, the following may provide some insight as to why…
Good canola stand establishment, especially in direct seeding situations, starts with straw and chaff management for the previous crop. Spreading residue evenly across the field is critical…