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Adjuvant systems used in in-crop herbicides used in canola are very effective tank cleaners and will remove the smallest residue of herbicide remaining in the tank and deposit it in your sensitive canola crop…
If you can’t get enough sulphur for seeding, divide what you have across all your canola acres, then top up with an in-crop application of ammonium sulphate.Post-emergence sulphur can be applied up to flowering and still provide a yield benefit…
It can take a few days before you can accurately determine how many plants survived a heavy frost. Give the crop 3-4 days after a frost before making a reseeding decision…
A week of moisture across the Prairies has delayed seeding. Canola seeded any time in May has a good chance of reaching maturity, so May 9 isn’t late, however growers……
What is this insect and why should you scout for it? Click Read More to enter your guess into the survey…
Seeding is a priority for many growers this week, but fields with a large population of weeds, especially advancing winter annuals, should get a pre-seed burnoff. For annuals and winter annuals, glyphosate needs only 24 hours to get to the growing point and set the control process in motion. After a day, the crop can be seeded. For perennial weeds,…
Growers could glean a couple useful tips about seedling survival by taking a plant count in last year’s canola stubble. It can also serve as a reminder to take seeding notes for each field. Record seeding rate, seed weight and seeding date for each field, and record weather parameters that will influence seedling survival — soil moisture (dry, moist, wet)…
If flea beetles are already out and on volunteers given the conditions we’ve had, as soon as it gets warm, they will be feeding more aggressively…
The seedling diseases risk increases with moist soil conditions and with tight canola rotations. The three best management steps for canola in this situation are: 1. Use treated seed. 2. Seed shallow. 3. Don’t cheat on the seeding rate, especially if seedling diseases have been a problem in past years…