In parts of central Alberta, lygus counts continue to exceed thresholds significantly (with counts as high as 450 lygus in 10 sweeps in some fields). In other areas, lygus numbers are just at or approaching threshold but the crop is very near to swathing. With these counts, growers are encouraged to resist the urge to simply spray and to be…
Canola Watch Posts
Scouting at swath timing is a good time of year to begin assessing the growing season and begin planning for next year. In Manitoba, earliest harvested fields are not yielding to expectations. Take this opportunity to try and identify what might be at play leading to disappointing yields. Mother Nature’s environmental challenges played an important role in many cases but…
Rather than focus on how many blank pods may be present, concentrate on yield assessment by examining the components that contribute to yield (ie. number of plants in a given area, number of pods per plant, number of seeds within the pods). The following equation can be used to estimate yield when seed size has a thousand kernel weight of…
Swathing of canola is well underway in Manitoba and just beginning in the earliest fields in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Avoid swathing during the heat of the day as chlorophyll can……
It is not surprising that sclerotinia stem rot disease levels differ from field to field even if fields are in close proximity. Sclerotinia disease level is very dependent on the microclimate within the field. Moist growing conditions (ie. frequent rainfall or high humidity or heavy dews) promote disease development but factors that result in moisture-laden canopies can…
Parts of central Alberta have canola fields that have been written off due to severe hail. However, a fair amount of plant growth remains. Canola silage may be one option. Canola silage (on a dry matter basis) averages 12 to 14% crude protein but can be as high as 16% or more. Total Digestible Nutrients TDN (energy) averages 55% to…
Combining of earliest canola fields is near, with the odd field already harvested in Manitoba where crops are most advanced. Remember that for safe, long-term storage, canola should be conditioned……
Lygus counts and bertha armyworm (shown above) counts are up this week. Saskatchewan and Manitoba growers are encouraged to scout for lygus this year. Lygus has been reported in most areas of Saskatchewan and some parts of Manitoba, as well as in Alberta where lygus tends to be a regular pest. For growers with crop ready to swath, keep in…