Canola yield tends to be higher when swathing occurs at 50-60% seed colour change on the main stem — or later if significant shattering can be avoided — so growers……
Canola Watch Posts
Swath at the best time for the majority of the plants in the field with the least negative impact possible on the rest — the biggest yield with the least losses. Note that waiting, if the calendar allows, is often positive for yield. If late season hail damages pods, then these pods have a higher potential for shattering as they…
Growers straight combining canola for the first time may want to consider these tips: —Practice on a couple fields. —Choose fields that are well knitted to prevent whipping and shattering in the wind. —Be prepared to harvest as soon as green seed and seed moisture drop to acceptable levels, even if stalks are still green. And more…
The higher the oil content of canola, the lower the moisture content required for safe long-term storage. Some research suggests that if canola at 40% oil can be stored safely at 8.5% moisture, then canola at 45% oil should be stored at 8% moisture. Growers can get an oil reading when they send sample to the CGC harvest samples program…
If infection rates are high, determine where most of the yield is. If it’s in the healthy plants, then make harvest decisions based on what’s best for the healthy plants. That means swathing at 50% to 60% seed colour change for ideal yield and quality. If most of the yield is in the infected plants, then earlier swathing — at…
Glyphosate is registered for pre-harvest perennial weed control in canola. Glyphosate is to be applied when the majority of seeds are yellow to brown in colour and seed moisture is less than 30%. If desiccation for direct harvesting is the primary goal then a true desiccant — Reglone — may be a better option…