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Assess flea beetle damage before spraying. Some feeding is tolerated without an economic cost. The nominal economic threshold for flea beetles in canola crops in Canada is an average defoliation of 25% or more of the seedling leaf area…
Click your province for the latest update from the Ultimate Canola Challenge plots: Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba…
Seeding is nearly complete in some areas of southern Alberta, and canola that is up looks good — although the region could use rain. Meanwhile, seeding will start later this week or next week in many other Prairie regions. The photo is typical of many fields — almost ready to go. Mid to late May is a fine time to…
The bottom line for seed-placed fertilizer in canola: 1. Apply plant available sources of nutrients. 2. Place a modest rate of P in the seedrow. At rates over 20 lb./ac., the salt component in MAP, for example, can start to set back seedling survival. 3. Place N and S in a band away from the seed…
Growers are still better off seeding 1/2” to 1” deep and waiting for rain rather than trying to chase moisture in fields where the top layer of soil has dried out. The principles of good seed placement still apply. These are…
Always refer to pesticide labels for mixing instructions that may be specific to each product. Here are some general rules for mixing pesticides, taken from the Manitoba Guide to Crop Protection…
Wireworms have not become the crisis some expected after lindane was pulled from the market, but some fields do have populations at levels that may cause economic loss. Noticeable losses are often confined to small bare patches. Check bare patches to confirm the reason for missing plants. It could be cutworms, wireworms, disease or something else entirely — like Richardson…
Final results are in. Which of these three team leaders had the highest profit margin?…
The Scott site has been swathed for about a week, as of August 28. Visually, maturity and biomass show no apparent differences among treatments. Plots will likely be harvested by September 3…