Early season hail rarely has an impact on canola yield potential. Hailed seedlings usually come back very well. If hail breaks off both cotyledons or snaps the stem, these plants usually do not survive. But even in these severe cases, while individual plants may die, a whole canola crop is fairly resilient to early season hail when it comes to…
Canola Watch Posts
Canola seeding is complete or nearly complete in most regions, and timely rains mean rapid crop establishment and reduced flea beetle threat for more regions — although see the Tweet of the Week below. Good growing conditions also mean heavy weed growth, especially in fields that did not get a pre-seed burnoff. Rates may need to be at the high…
The best method is to dribble on fertilizer in a concentrated band rather than as a spray mist. Tank mixing with the herbicide, while it may be possible if the herbicide manufacturer approves, will not allow high enough rates to make any useful difference to the crop. The fine mist may also damage the crop…
Growers in areas where blackleg infection was known to cause yield loss last year may choose to apply fungicide early in the season. Here are factors that increase the blackleg risk. The more of these risk factors that apply, the greater the risk: —Tight canola rotation —Using the same variety in the rotation —Yield loss to blackleg in previous years…
When spraying for weeds it may be economical to add an insecticide or fungicide to the tank mix to hit any insects or disease (blackleg) that may be present at the same time. However, consider these four issues before proceeding: 1. Is the tank mix supported by the product manufacturers? (See the next article for more on this.) 2. Be…
Growers must take extra precaution with any tank mix that is not identified and approved on the product label. The risks with off-label tank mixes include but are not limited to: —Damage to the crop —Antagonism or other reduction in control of one or more of the labelled pests —Residues in excess of the limits of those set for the…
Cutworm activity has been light so far this year, with a few fields sprayed across the Prairies. We do expect to hear of more cases as crops start to emerge and feeding patches start to show up. Keep an eye out as many cutworm species will feed on canola, and each has its own cycle — as the table shows…
There are no reliable solutions to crusting other than to wait for rain. Some growers have reseeded the worst sections of fields. A light harrowing might help if nothing has come through. Do a couple passes then assess whether canola seedlings are being ripped out of the ground. Harrowing too close to emergence can be harmful to a shallow seeded…