We’ve had reports this week of growers causing unexpected damage to canola because the sprayer was not cleaned properly. The ideal tank cleaner has a detergent, a surfactant and a component to increase pH (i.e. ammonia) in one formulation. The detergent will cut any oils or fats found in current adjuvants, the pH increaser solubilizes the Group 2 herbicides and…
Canola Watch Posts
Growers with high risk conditions for sclerotinia stem rot may want to get their management plan in place. Booking fungicide may be worthwhile if you have a preferred product. This is pre-planning only. Fungicide applications must target flowers to be effective, so do not spray until a field reaches at least 20% flowering…
Flea beetles are worse that usual in some areas, with growers spraying more than once and with heavy feeding carrying on past the 4-leaf stage. Cutworm losses are low in general but flaring up in some areas. Aster leafhoppers are at much lower numbers than last year and the aster yellows threat is minimal based on what we know at…
You have to scout to know what’s going on in the fields. Here are 10 things to look for this week. 10 – Gopher damage (Richardson ground squirrels or pocket gophers) Read more. 9 – Environmental damage – frost or wind 8 – Wild buckwheat. Read more. 7 – Herbicide efficacy. Is weed control what you expected? If not, why…
Cutworms are spotty but keep scouting. Flea beetles may need to be controlled past the 4-leaf stage in some extreme cases this year. Cabbage seedpod weevil numbers are building but only spray after first flower and only if sweep net results show them at thresholds. Hold off on early grasshopper control…
Bees are good for canola. Canola is good for bees. Canola flowers provide an important source of nectar for honey producers in Western Canada: 80% of the honey produced in Canada comes from canola flowers. Honey bees and other pollinators can also increase canola yields. Although napus canola is self-pollinating, studies show that the extra level of pollination that bees…
Aster leafhopper numbers are quite low so far this year, down considerably from 2012. Aster leafhoppers carry aster yellows phytoplasma, so without leafhoppers to transfer the disease, there is no infection. Based on what we know at this stage, there is no evidence of a significant aster yellows risk for 2013…
Growers who used elemental sulphur as their only sulphur source may see deficiencies in this year’s crop. Elemental sulphur will not be available when the crop needs it. In following the 4-Rs of fertilizer, elemental sulphur applied at seeding is not the “right source” or the “right time.” Sulphur deficiency symptoms (see the photos) that appear at the bud to…