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Cabbage seedpod weevil numbers are high in some regions of southern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. The map shows CSPW reach for 2012. Growers and agronomists are encouraged to scout canola fields, and follow these management decision-making guidelines:…
Many canola fields have a combination of insects feeding on the crop. An “additive” effect is possible when more than one species are feeding on key yield-producing areas — flowers, buds or pods — at the same time. For example, lygus and cabbage seedpod weevil have been found in the same fields in the southern Prairies this week. Preliminary results…
Leafhopper populations are building, which could increase the risk for aster yellows. Even so, there is not really a good case for spraying for leafhoppers in canola. Why not?…
The ideal time for a sulphur top up is any time before flowering, but a top up at early flowering may pay off if plants are showing signs of sulphur deficiency. The ideal time for a nitrogen top up is before the 5-leaf stage of canola, but AAFC research out of Indian Head, Saskatchewan, shows that nitrogen top dress as…
Three of the top 10 have to do with moisture, the key risk factor for sclerotinia stem rot…
Cabbage seedpod weevil numbers are high in some regions of southern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. Growers and agronomists are encouraged to scout canola fields, and follow these management decision-making guidelines:……
With rainfall general across the Prairies — excessive in certain areas — and with flowering just around the corner, the sclerotinia stem rot risk is building. Assess the situation field by field to see which may warrant a protective fungicide. Excessive moisture can cause leaching of nitrogen and sulphur. Assess yield potential and root depth to see whether a top…
1. Have a plan to manage clubroot. Don't wait until clubroot manages you. Whether you're a farmer, agronomist, county/municipal staff, extension, or from the oil & gas industry, you need a clubroot management plan. A plan should include answers to the following: How will you quarantine a field? How will you plan your field work? When will you sanitize your…
Wet soils cause an oxygen deficiency, which reduces root respiration and growth. Root failure reduces nutrient uptake, and plants will eventually die unless drowned areas dry out quickly. A few days in waterlogged soil can be enough to kill canola plants, and yield loss is certain — although as canola plants age, they tend to be more resilient…