Hail damage can cause crops to mature unevenly. Judging when to swath multi-stage crops can be tricky. If the field has distinct late and early parts, the two parts could be swathed at different times. If not, then make the swath decision based on which plants are likely to contribute most to yield…
Canola Watch Posts
Glyphosate is registered for pre-harvest perennial weed control in canola. Glyphosate is to be applied when the majority of seeds are yellow to brown in colour and seed moisture is less than 30%. Heat fits between glyphosate and Reglone on the speed of dry down spectrum. Reglone is a contact herbicide (only kills what it contacts) and is registered in…
Check those patches of pre-mature ripened canola before or during swathing. Try to identify what cause this pre-mature ripening. Use the Canola Diagnostic Tool at www.canoladiagnostictool.ca to help with the assessment. It could be blackleg, clubroot, sclerotinia, root rot or something else entirely. Growers can use this scouting information to plan rotations, choose varieties, and update fungicide decision-making for next…
Plant pathologists from across the Prairies are surveying canola for disease levels. For each field surveyed, they select 20 random plants at 5 random locations for a total of 100 plants. For blackleg, they pull up each plant and clip the stem just below ground level. Each stem is then rated for what percentage of the stem cross section is…
This growing season is presenting some unique challenges - very localized insect threats (reports of individuals with only one or two fields out of many at threshold), individual canola fields that are in flower for 6 weeks and counting, etc. Each field needs to be looked at individually so decisions can be made efficiently, timely and when necessary. Be diligent…
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2. Less risk of green seed problems. Crops with uneven maturity can be difficult to manage at harvest. There may be uneven maturity within the field (between knolls and low spots) and within the plants (between main stem and side branches which is more critical in low density stands). Swathing too early can result in a significant proportion of green…