Canola Watch Posts

  • The onset of lower temperatures and shortened days in the fall trigger perennials such as Canada thistle, dandelion and quack grass to start moving sugars to below-ground tissues. Winter annuals and biennial are also doing this, but they don’t need a temperature trigger. Spraying these weeds in fall takes advantage of this downward flow into the below ground buds on…
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  • Clubroot galls have been found on canola plants in two separate fields in Manitoba. There is quite likely more clubroot across the province. Alberta experienced an increase in clubroot intensity and geographic spread this year. Saskatchewan’s disease survey report will not be available for a few weeks. In general, it was a good year for clubroot — if you’re clubroot…
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  • 1. Cleavers. Cleavers used to be pretty much an annual weed, but with more direct seeding it’s becoming more of a winter annual. The rise in winter annual cleavers may be a case of producers not applying high enough rates in the spring to manage them. Grading tolerances are fairly low for cleavers, and the weed seems to be getting…
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  • Ideal timing for a fall herbicide application should depend on the weeds present in the field. Perennials, like Canada thistle (shown), are best controlled in September, especially when using glyphosate. October is the best time to control winter annuals such as narrow-leaved hawk’s beard, stork’s bill, sow thistle and cleavers…
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  • Manitoba has had two canola fields confirmed this month to have clubroot symptoms on plants. Last year, clubroot was confirmed in two soil samples in the province, but plant symptoms were not observed. Clubroot is expected to spread across the Prairies eventually. The disease was first detected in Manitoba in vegetable crops in 1925. It is not a surprise to…
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  • Early detection makes clubroot easier to contain. By the time patches of clubroot infection are obvious in fields, clubroot spores may have been present for a while and may have already spread to neighbouring fields. Clubroot disease management plans will vary depending on the amount of disease and its severity, but growers in all regions should watch for the disease…
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  • Some canola is coming off very dry — 5-6% moisture. Canola at 8% moisture is considered safe for long term storage. Canola at 6% is even safer. (Although it can still heat if very hot when stored.) Canola seed can absorb more moisture if left in the field during a rain. Both 6% and 8% moisture canola can be safely…
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