Canola Watch Posts

  • You can’t control the weather. Seed when you can. Remember, more than half the canola acres last year were seeded after May 20. Spray instead. Early weed control pays big time. If too wet to seed, it might not be too wet to spray — but apply at warmer parts of the day. Clingy clubroot. Muddy fields increase the amount…
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  • This “forward trajectory” wind map shows where winds from Southern California are predicted to travel over the next five days. You’ll see they pass through the mid west and up into Manitoba. Forward trajectories also show winds arriving on the Prairies from Mexico, Texas, Kansas and other southern regions this week. South central U.S. is a common area where aster…
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  • Three questions on seeding date: 1. Say canola seeded on May 1 has 100% of its yield potential. After what seeding date does canola yield potential drop below 80% of its May 1 level? 2. Growers have methods to help late-seeded crops mature earlier. Of the four choices below, three are legit, and one is not. Which choice will NOT…
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  • It’s mid May, so put away the soil thermometer. When you get the chance to seed, then seed. Seeding into warmer (8-10°C) soils will improve seed survival and have more seed emerging at the same time (as shown in the graph) but this needs to be balanced against the benefits of early seeding. To improve seed survival and speed of…
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  • While checking your seeding depth, take a look for cutworms at the same time. Another good time to look is around bare patches that show up after emergence. Cutworms could be the cause. Entomologists from across the Prairies are conducting cutworms surveys and are looking for help digging them up…
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  • Good soil moisture may encourage some growers to increase planned nutrient rates to capture an increase in yield potential. However, before increasing fertilizer rates, you may want to make sure you can get timely delivery of that extra fertilizer. Talk to your supplier. You don’t want to run out of fertilizer and still have 15% of the crop to seed…
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  • UCC 2014 at CMCDC is a canola production trial intended to showcase three styles of input/cost management. Each treatment will have different cost of production budgets to work with, reflecting corresponding yield goals and a set selling price of the canola. A “winner” will be determined at the end of the season based on return on investment (ROI). The photo…
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