Canola needs a little bit of boron, and most Canadian Prairie soils have enough to meet this demand…
Canola Watch Posts
Flea circus. Flea beetles love warm weather and fresh young canola. When scouting, assess the whole crop, not just field margins, and spray if leaf loss exceeds 25% for most plants and feeding continues. Efficacy effort. Emerging canola is not highly competitive, yet. To get the most out of weed control, follow efficacy tips specific to products for each HT…
Three questions with visuals and tips that will augment your early season scouting, including "The cotyledon on the left is likely to die. Why?"…
Canola is advancing quickly, often emerging in 5 days and starting to sprout its first true leaf in just over a week. Flea beetles are also out in big numbers — enough to warrant a few walks through each field. Seed treatments will provide 3 to 4 weeks of protection for canola that emerges within a week of seeding. Flea…
Weeds are coming up strong. As part of the Canola Council of Canada’s Keep It Clean campaign, we remind growers to use only registered pesticides when required. Refer to product labels for proper use instructions. Here are strategies to improve weed control results for each HT system: —Liberty LInk: As a contact herbicide, Liberty is recommended to be applied as…
Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) permits “unlabelled” tank mixes as long as products in the mix are used under the following conditions: 1. Each tank mix partner is registered for use in Canada on the crop of interest. Note that just because products have similar actives or are generics does not mean that they are registered for use on…