• This map from StatsCan's Crop Condition Assessment Program uses NDVI satellite imagery to show crop growth. This map compares growth to July 21 this year with the same period last year. Yellow indicates that growth is about the same as last year. Light brown is behind. As you can see, crop growth for most of the western Prairies is around…
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  • Threshold tables for lygus suggest, for example, that if canola is $12 per bushel and spray costs $8 per acre, the threshold at the early pod stage is 5 lygus adults or late instar nymphs per 10 sweeps. Current thinking is that 5 lygus per 10 sweeps (0.5 per sweep) is too few to warrant a spray, and that the…
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  • Distinguished pests. CCC agronomists launch a new video (embedded above) this week with tips and helpful images for your pre-harvest disease scouting routine. Who ya gonna call? More tank mixes and more time stress create all sorts of scenarios for crop-damaging mistakes. Hopefully the two parties can figure out the problem and resolve this situation amicably. If not, a consulting…
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