Canola Watch Posts

  • Hot, dry conditions the past number of days and variable field staging have made the decision to spray fungicide to manage sclerotinia stem rot even more difficult this year. Moisture is the key risk factor for sclerotinia stem rot. Without moisture before, during and after flowering, disease severity and the return on investment from fungicide will be lower than if…
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  • Canola’s need for water is highest during the flowering growth stage, which means growers using irrigation have to provide more water during this stage. However, moisture at this stage also increases the risk of sclerotinia stem rot infection. Alberta’s irrigation scheduling strategy recommends less frequent and larger irrigation volumes during the flowering growth stage. This will provide the water the…
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  • Blasted heat. A long stretch of hot weather at flowering can greatly reduce canola yield potential. Even with a few days of heat, hormone balance and regular pod formation can take a week to return to normal. (See the photo above.) Hot sclerotinia. Hot and dry conditions can reduce the sclerotinia risk significantly. However hot and humid conditions may not…
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  • The heat is coming, as many of you will have already noticed — and as this map shows. These are the maximum temperatures reached across the Prairies for the week of July 1-7. Thanks to WeatherFarm for this map. Find more maps and weather information at their website:…
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