Insects or disease may only have minor impacts on your yield at first, but spraying for them at the wrong time can have huge impacts on viable international markets by the end of the season. The canola industry works hard to keep a competitive, stable and open trade environment for canola and build strong relationships with customers around the world…
Canola Watch Posts
No rush. The ideal swath timing for yield is when canola is at 60% seed colour change on the main stem. For large plants with many branches, even this may be too early for seeds in side branches to reach the firm green stage. Patch work. Patchy canola is a pain to harvest, and there is no good answer in…
How well do you know the concept of "pre-harvest intervals"? Take the quiz and find out…
The ideal swath timing is when 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change from green to brown. Colour change is considered any amount of yellowing or browning on the seed. To determine ideal swath timing, fields need to be walked and pods need to be cracked – remember you are looking for seed colour change,…
Swathing canola when temperatures are hot can cause two potential problems for the crop: 1. Rapid dry down due to hot conditions does not give the green-clearing enzymes enough time to reduce chlorophyll levels in the seed, and green counts can be elevated. 2. Very dry pods can shatter if swathed on a hot day…
Hail can cause seeds inside pods to bruise. This bruising can also cause pods to shatter prematurely, although the shatter tendency depends on the extent of hail. If only a few bruises, shatter loss should be minimal. However, if bruising occurs on more than 25-30% of the pod, and the spots turn white or brown, shattering is likely to occur…