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Canola Performance Trials for this year are still being measured and harvested, but growers wanting to make seed decisions now can go to www.canolaperformancetrials.ca. Small and large plot results for 2013, 2012 and 2011 are available…
Insect threats are minimal at this stage of the season, but if you have late fields and an insect hot spot — say for bertha armyworm — the options are limited…
Foxtail barley is one weed that seems to be on the rise. Foxtail barley is best controlled in the fall, using glyphosate to manage perennial bunches and late germinating seedlings. Be aggressive with fall glyphosate rates. Tillage also works well on foxtail barley, but if you have to use tillage, spot till the patches only…
Alberta has started an intense survey to check fields for clubroot pathotype 5x, which is able to overcome all forms of resistance on the market today. The survey will focus on suspicious patches in fields that were grown to an R-rated canola variety. Growers and agronomist who spot suspicious patches in a resistant variety, can contact their County Ag Fieldman…
Man, snow?! Snow doesn’t do as much damage to standing canola as the frost that comes with it. If frost is light, moisture from the snow might actually provide canola with some protection. (Photo credit: Garth Donald) Frost risk. Swathing before 60% seed colour change will reduce yield, but heavy frost will reduce yield, too. If growers have a lot…
Here are two WeatherFarm maps. Click the map for a link to the original on the WeatherFarm site. The frost map is for yesterday morning. Many areas that had frost yesterday had frost again this morning. The second map, also from WeatherFarm, shows corn heat units (CHUs) for 2014 as a percent of normal. We don't talk CHUs in canola,…
How are your post-swath disease scouting skills. The video above will help you answer the quiz questions this week. You can watch the video afterward if you want to test your knowledge now! CCAs take note. You can get 1 CEU for watching the full "Pre- and post-swath canola disease scouting" video and answering 10 questions. Here's the CCA quiz…
With light frost in the forecast, crop left standing will still have a chance to mature further and yield more. A heavy frost will lock in high green counts and likely increase yield loss with pod splitting and pod drop. Swathing before the heavy frost event may prevent this green lock, but the crop needs to dry down to a…
As we progress further into September, growers get more anxious to swath. Swathing at 60% seed colour change is still preferred, but by this date some growers don’t want to wait any longer. Here are some scenarios that may help with the decision to go or wait…