• The Canola Council of Canada launches a new agronomy video on the value of strong stand establishment. Click the image above. In celebration of International Year of Soils 2015, the Canola Council of Canada (CCC) agronomy team spoke this week with the University of Manitoba’s Canada research chair in applied soil ecology, Mario Tenuta. His answers to a couple of…
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  • The CCC agronomy team asked Mario Tenuta, the University of Manitoba’s Canada research chair in applied soil ecology, if preserving soil health really matters, or can soil degradation be corrected simply by adding more fertilizer. His answer: “If growers ignore soil health, input costs will go up. Increased inputs can compensate and keep up with soil degradation for quite a…
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  • The CCC agronomy team asked Mario Tenuta, the University of Manitoba’s Canada research chair in applied soil ecology, if continuous canola can actually create a canola-friendly soil environment. His answer: “There are several examples where continuous cropping of other crops have created a soil microbial population that can keep down soil-borne diseases. Can the same happen with canola? Likely. However,…
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  • Our next Canola Watch, the March edition, will have a crop nutrition theme. We want to provide information to help with your most challenging crop nutrition decisions. Questions can be about product choice, application timing, risk assessment, logistical challenges — anything. Start the conversation. Email your questions and answers to Jay Whetter at whetterj@canolacouncil.org, or contact a CCC agronomy specialist…
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  • The Canola Council of Canada’s new Canola Research Hub illustrates the science behind best management practices of Canadian canola production and provides practical tools to evaluate agronomic performance and make informed production management decisions. From the Hub landing page — canolaresearch.ca — users can navigate through a library of summaries, view and filter research data, watch video interviews and clips,…
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  • A new canola variety was recently registered claiming an "intermediate" reaction to clubroot pathotype 5x, as well as resistance to established clubroot pathotypes 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8. Based on Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed Recommending Committee protocol for clubroot disease resistance, seed that is resistant (R) shows less than 30% infection based on a severity-by-incidence rating, and seed that is…
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