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Read more for maps showing the average date of the last spring frost in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba…
Very early seeding increases the frost risk and may not provide a yield advantage over your regular early seeding date. Early seeding usually improves canola yield potential and quality, but these benefits depend on survival of a sufficient plant population — ideally 7 to 10 plants per square foot, and a minimum 4 to 5. An early-seeded crop that is…
How to get the drill ready for spring: Level side to side and front to back, check each opener for wear, check shank trips, inspect all moving parts, inspect electronics, and do a sock test to make sure the air delivery system is not cracking seed…
A verticillium wilt committee, with representatives from the Canola Council of Canada, the CFIA, AAFC, provincial canola grower organizations, provincial government specialists and life-science organizations, will examine the disease risk in Western Canada and come up recommendations for management. Step one is to survey more fields this summer and autumn…
The best management option left is the four-year rotation. Discovery of different clubroot pathotypes in central Alberta will change the rotation plans for some growers. No current varieties have strong resistance to these pathotypes. If growers have used resistant canola two or three times already on fields that were infested with clubroot, these fields are at high risk for having…
Temperatures are warmer, days are longer and the fields are bare — in some areas, at least. March is often the month to finalize plans for the 2015 seeding season. This month’s Canola Watch includes our Top 10 agronomy priorities for 2015. See the survey link at the bottom of the article to provide your own rankings and comments. CanoLAB…
The Canola Council of Canada agronomy team came up with 12 agronomy priorities for 2015, and then ranked them. Here are the top 10, with our highest ranked topic placed first. We will cover these topics in more detail throughout 2015…
CanoLAB 2015 wraps up this week in Brandon. The following short summaries from a few of the many CanoLAB instructors outline key “take home” messages for the eight topic areas…