The key with fertility decisions is to apply all of the 4 Rs — right fertilizer source at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place.……
Canola Watch Posts
Around 90% of Canadian canola is exported, and our customers have high standards when it comes to clean seed, oil and meal. It is essential that all growers, agronomists and retailers do not use or promote unregistered pesticides or those with unacceptable residues. Here are three important points to follow before using a product on canola…
Warm weather, sunny days and bare fields have growers itching to get #plant15 underway. While waiting, take time to get the seeding tool in top shape, prep the sprayer, and put the finishing touches on the rotation plan. The photo above shows a “sock test” on a drill opener. Have you ever wondered what canola seed looks like after it’s…
For growers who want to keep things simple, a standard seeding rate of 5 lb./ac. should meet the basic needs of stand establishment — as long as all other steps for a good stand are followed. Growers who want a seeding rate that establishes 7 to 10 plants per square foot — 4 plants is about the minimum but you…