Erosion of clubroot resistance is showing up in fields across central Alberta. Recent research by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD) and the University of Alberta (U of A) has……
Canola Watch Posts
Take the quiz and test your knowledge on what happened to this stand — and other establishment puzzles…
Growers uncertain about which canola seeding rate to use should start with 5 lb./ac., then tweak. See the full article on this topic…
Early weeds have large impact on canola yield potential. Past research has demonstrated an advantage of 3 bu./ac. for controlling weeds at the 1-2 leaf stage of canola versus the 3-4 leaf stage, and a 7 bu./ac. advantage for the 1-2 leaf stage versus the 6-7 leaf stage. Weed control timing has a huge influence on overall crop profit with…
The first few weeks of the growing season is a great time to police fields for suspicious weeds. Look for weeds that lived through the pre-seed burnoff or post-emergent sprays while others of the same species have died. These few weeds could be resistant to one or more herbicide groups, and it would be good to nab them early. Diversification…
What nutrient SHOULD go in the seed row? Which nitrogen product definitely should NOT go in the seed row? What conditions improve the safety of seed-placed fertilizer?…