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Moisture is the key risk factor for sclerotinia stem rot. Without moisture before, during and after flowering, disease severity and the return on investment from fungicide will be lower than if moisture is present all through these periods. Moisture can come as rain, dew and/or humidity above 80%…
Sclerotinia stem rot and cabbage seedpod weevil control timing depends on flowering stage. This article will help you estimate 10%, 20% and 50% flower…
A new video tutorial for the Canola Research Hub is up and running. The video gives a quick introduction to the site and how to use it. Research is continually being added to the hub. Take some time and check out its features…
So far there are no variable differences between the areas treated with boron and areas without. Pictures were taken overhead with the drone and the field was walked. Neither view offered significant differences between the treated and untreated crop…
The Ultimate Canola Challenge (UCC) is a project that is designed to help canola growers identify the best management practices for their crops by testing various techniques and products…
How many bertha armyworm adults are in this jar? Take the quiz to find out…
The Canola Council of Canada, Alberta Canola Producers Commission and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) presented the first ever canolaPALOOZA at AAFC Lacombe and AAFC Beaverlodge this week. The event featured lots of hands on agronomy, leading experts and fun — including a dunk tank, slap shot contest, and food trucks. Our top 10 list includes just a sample of…
Patchy emergence due to a few weeks of dry and then a rain, or due to reseeded crop emerging among the few original plants, has created a wide range of stages in some crops. Make herbicide timing decisions based on the stage that represents the highest proportion of plants. And rather than planning on two applications, growers may be better…
Cabbage seedpod weevils are one example of an insect where crop stage is a factor in the management decision. Weevils lay their eggs in developing pods, and these larvae feed on canola seeds inside the pods. The rule of thumb is pods less than 3/4” are too small for egg laying. If some plants are forming pods and the rest…