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Canada exports 90% of the canola we produce, and our global customers won’t accept anything less than squeaky-clean seed. This time of year, the keys are to ensure a crop protection product applied won’t cause concern for canola exporters, and to know a product's required interval between application and swathing…
Conditions are much more favourable in Medstead with recent precipitation! Currently the crop is in 40-50% bloom. When pictures were taken from the air and also from the ground no visual differences were observed…
All of the boron treatments have been applied to the Portage la Prairie UCC site. Currently the trial is close to full flower. Although, over the July 4-5th weekend a storm brought 39 mm of rain and 52km/h winds, resulting in a wet site and slight lodging…
What has damaged these flowers...?…
Under various conditions the past decade, some canola fields have exhibited stunting and strange deformities in bud clusters — as demonstrated in the photo gallery in this article. The cause remains a mystery…
Grasshoppers may be above thresholds in some fields. The nominal threshold for grasshoppers in canola is 8-12 per square metre, although the higher end of that range may be more appropriate in a typical canola crop. Grasshoppers are often at higher numbers at field margins, making a targeted spray possible. Scout to see where that line is…
Hot days (28-30°C and up) and warm nights (16°C and up) from bud to mid-flowering stages can have a devastating effect on canola yield…
Crop staging comes into play for herbicide, insecticide and fungicide timing. So crops with plants at various stages — some at flowering, some barely at the bud stage, for example — present a challenge when deciding when to spray…
Moisture is the key risk factor for sclerotinia stem rot. Without moisture before, during and after flowering, disease severity and the return on investment from fungicide will be lower than if moisture is present all through these periods. Moisture can come as rain, dew and/or humidity above 80%…