Lots of insects are being reported, but agronomists and growers are generally doing a good job of assessing the economic threat and determining that most situations this week do not require a spray. Given the patchy nature of most insect patterns, all fields should be checked. If something is spotted that may be above thresholds, check a few areas of…
Canola Watch Posts
Canada exports 90% of the canola we produce, and our global customers won’t accept anything less than squeaky-clean seed. This time of year, the keys are to ensure a crop protection product applied won’t cause concern for canola exporters, and to know a product's required interval between application and swathing…
What has damaged these flowers...?…
Grasshoppers may be above thresholds in some fields. The nominal threshold for grasshoppers in canola is 8-12 per square metre, although the higher end of that range may be more appropriate in a typical canola crop. Grasshoppers are often at higher numbers at field margins, making a targeted spray possible. Scout to see where that line is…