Dry conditions could mean a hay shortage in parts of the Prairies. Growers with poor-looking canola crops may want to estimate the seed yield potential and weigh that against the potential feed value of the biomass…
Canola Watch Posts
Earliest canola in southern Alberta and here and there across the Prairies will be close to swath timing in the next week or two. Many of these early fields are not looking good, with patchy emergence, uneven emergence and short stature due to moisture stress. The swath timing decision becomes more difficult in crops with plants at multiple stages of…
The general view is that uniform well-knit canola crops are the best for straight combining, but it can be argued that leaving thin multi-stage canola for straight combining may also be lower risk than swathing…
Lygus, grasshoppers, diamondback moth larvae and early bertha armyworms have been reported, as have thrips and swede midge damage, but generally nothing requiring significant widespread action. Individual fields or parts of fields may be at risk of economic loss, but overall it is a quiet week on the insect front…
Strip trials are useful tools to test a product or practice to see if it improves the standard or “check” practice. Growers and agronomists may still have a few strip trial ideas for this year, say on swathing timing, for example. Here are common ways that strip trials are mismanaged, creating results of questionable value…
Bringing communities and businesses together. Show us your #CanolaCountry at http://t.co/NLZIIGjU9a— Canola Council (@canolacouncil) July 22, 2015 The Canola Council of Canada has a campaign to demonstrate the impact of canola across Canada in support of our market access and Trans-Pacific Partnership efforts. Show your support by posting a picture on Twitter or on the website canolacountry.ca that shows your…
Scattered rain with more in the forecast will have growers wondering this week whether to spray fungicide to manage sclerotinia stem rot. Moisture is the key risk factor for sclerotinia stem rot. Without moisture a couple of weeks before flowering and humidity during and after flowering, disease severity and the return on investment from fungicide will be lower than if…