Herbicide pitfalls | Flea beetles | Blackleg fungicide now? | Drill performance | Lambda-cyhalothrin label update…
Canola Watch Posts
Events, programs and services from the Canola Council of Canada, provincial canola grower organizations, and our community of canola stakeholders……
The action threshold for flea beetles is average leaf area loss of 25 per cent, or more. Can you identify the leaf area loss for each photo?…
Seed first or spray weeds | Insects this week | How to support emergence | Flea beetles…
Events, programs and services from the Canola Council of Canada, provincial canola grower organizations, and our community of canola stakeholders……
How well do you know your grasshopper nymphs? Test your skills with four matching questions and a final question about nymph thresholds…
Improve early season weed management | Top reasons for poor emergence | Cost of harrowing | Flea beetles…
Events, programs and services from the Canola Council of Canada, provincial canola grower organizations, and our community of canola stakeholders……
Three new questions on pre-seed burnoff with information on effective tank mixes, dust and target weeds. Good links, too…