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The quick and easy pre-harvest interval tool — the spray-to-swath calculator — helps you find a fungicide, insecticide or pre-harvest herbicide that fits your timeframe available…
When doing lygus counts, include adults and late instar nymphs. Nymphs are young lygus, and only the larger nymphs do enough damage to be included in sweep net counts. A key feature is the black dots on the back. Count nymphs with dots. Don’t count them if they’re small and don’t have the dots (like the one above)…
Three major stem diseases — blackleg, clubroot and sclerotinia stem rot — are more easily identified in the weeks leading up to harvest. Areas of the field with prematurely ripening plants and excessive lodging are signs that any one of these three diseases could be present…
1. When you pull out the combine to get it ready for the season, look it over for holes and cracks in the pickup, feederhouse, elevator, shoe seals, separator covers and the grain tank. Canola seed can dribble out these openings even before it reaches the back end…
Buying used equipment from a clubroot area can create an unexpected transfer of the disease. We heard this week of a grower from northern Alberta who bought a used combine from a known clubroot area. The grower was surprised at how much soil was on and inside the combine, and this soil very likely contained clubroot spores…
The optimal swath timing for canola yield and quality is when 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change. Seed colour change (SCC) is considered any amount of yellow or brown on the seed. This increases crop yield because side branches have longer to fill and average seed size for the whole plant is larger…
Growers who want to try straight combining for the first time, keep these risk scenarios in mind…
The following tips are from the SAFE Farms Harvest TIP sheet. Download the complete document…
Four questions to test your knowledge on pre-harvest intervals…