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If you’re getting antsy about starting harvest or wondering when to start harvest, a great use of your time would be scouting your crop. To distinguish one disease from another, use these discerning traits…
Every year growers question the ideal timing of swathing their canola fields. Here are some agronomic variations and adaptations that need to be made according to the conditions this year…
Making it past early spring flea beetles, lygus bug, swede midge and other insects, you may be reluctant to check for more critters, but it could really pay off in the end if you do put in the effort. Here are the top reasons to take one more look…
With the crops getting closer to harvest, the CCC Ultimate Canola Challenge (UCC) grower partners are also getting ready to find out the results of their on-farm trials. This year’s UCC had growers testing the impacts of boron on the yield of their crops by broadcasting and incorporating granular boron, or using a foliar boron application at the early flower…
Can you diagnose these plants?…
As many people are aware, moisture conditions have been extremely variable this year, and at the beginning of July, Cleardale was a little dry. Lots of grasshoppers were found at……
Between the treated and untreated strips there are still no visible differences, but the crop is progressing! The field is coming out of flowering with only a few side branches not completely podded…
The quick and easy pre-harvest interval tool — the spray-to-swath calculator — helps you find a fungicide, insecticide or pre-harvest herbicide that fits your timeframe available…