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Based on conversations with growers and processing plants, heated canola seems to be higher than usual so far this winter. Please check bins to make sure temperatures are stable…
Canola Performance Trials (CPT) 2015 small-plot data on canola seed varieties is now available in this online booklet…
The Canola Performance Trials (CPT) Committee wants to see if you find value in these high-quality, unbiased, timely trials and how you think the program could improve going forward. Please click here to fill out a quick survey to provide us with the information we need to serve you better…
Brassica napus is semi-determinant in its growth, which means it can produce new growing points from leaf axils. When conditions change to provide more moisture, nutrients or heat, secondary and tertiary branch growth can extend flowering or even initiate secondary flowering. This can produce a significant increase in yield as long as fall conditions allow for maturation…
At least 10 new pathotypes have been discovered in fields in central Alberta. While varieties with improved resistance to 5x may provide a benefit, this resistance may not work on all new pathotypes. Infection from the other virulent pathotypes could still occur…
Fertilizer planning: Growers with soil tests, particularly for poor performing fields in 2015, have valuable background information for making informed fertilizer rate decisions for 2016. Rotation planning: This is a good time to go over notes for disease levels in 2015. Fields where disease levels were noticeably higher than in the past will benefit from a longer rotation away from…
Some very late canola crops are still laying in swaths. Previous experience suggests two tips…
Safe Farms bulletins from Manitoba provide the following safety tips for handling grain. …
Canola Digest Science Edition 2015 has results from 24 grower-funded research projects. Readers will also find updates for 42 ongoing grower-funded and 15 federal-government funded projects. The edition is an excellent exhibit of grower levy dollars at work…