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There is a saying, “Good cleavers control in canola starts in cereals.” Peas and flax also offer pre-seed options not available in fields going into canola…
While waiting for the right conditions for a pre-seed burnoff or to start seeding, pull out the sprayer and get it ready for action. Here are a few considerations…
Seeding in April is not usually recommended or beneficial for canola (except perhaps late-April seeding in southern Alberta). Here are a few things you could do now…
Verticillium wilt of canola has been renamed verticillium stripe. Why? The pathogen in question, Verticillium longisporum, does not appear to produce wilt symptoms in canola, so the “wilt” name used to describe the potato and sunflower disease caused by the related fungus V. dahliae infection does not apply. Photo credit: Department of Crop Sciences, Plant Pathology and Plant Protection Section…
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1. With phosphorus, ultimately the form you apply is less important than the amount you apply. Crop nutrition specialist Rigas Karamanos used the graph below to show the chronic under-application of P year after year…
A well-managed, systematic approach is the best strategy for bringing cleavers under control…
Seeding in March is way outside our sphere of experience, so even if the fields could be seeded, waiting until late April or May is still recommended. We still have lots of winter left for a potential cold and snowy snap — as demonstrated this week in many regions…
Know your fields and your yield expectations. Soils where N rates have not kept pace with N removal will need to be built back up to increase their productivity. Here is a review of N product options and how they become plant-available…