Products approved for use ahead of canola are: –glyphosate –bromoxynil in a tank mix with glyphosate –Aim (carfentrazone) in a tank mix with glyphosate
–CleanStart (carfentrazone and glyphosate)
–clomazone in a tank mix with glyphosate –Conquer (bromoxynil and carfentrazone) in a tank mix with glyphosate…
Canola Watch Posts
Are you are a grower who sprayed quinclorac on canola during the 2015 growing season and is now looking for a place to sell your grain? If so, be sure to ask your local elevator or processing facility if you can deliver to them, and if not, which elevators or facilities in your area may still take it…
Seeding date decisions are often driven more by historical frost risk than present conditions. That is why many growers will not seed canola before May 1, even if their area had what seemed like favourable seeding conditions in April. Historical frost risk can be interpreted differently based on the crop’s frost tolerance and the grower’s appetite for risk…