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If choosing to seed before spraying, weeds present will have a minimum five days — usually more — before the crop emerges. These weeds can advance very quickly in good conditions, which is why growers who seed before spraying may choose to apply in the narrow post-seeding pre-emergence window…
In dry soil conditions, growers may be tempted to seed deep enough to reach moisture. This is not necessary from April to mid-May. The common recommendation to seed no deeper than 1” still applies in dry conditions…
We had a grower ask about how many seeds per square foot he would have if he seeded 5g TKW seed at 5.5 lb./ac. Here are the steps to calculate…
Seedlings can be at significant risk from wind damage. Wind can dry out the seed bed. And high winds can blow seeds and seedlings right out of the ground, especially if topsoil is dry…
Wind trajectory maps from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) indicate that winds have arrived from southern areas where diamondback moths and aster leafhoppers overwinter…
Flea beetles are feeding on volunteer and early-seeded canola but their presence does not mean they need to be sprayed…
Joy Agnew from Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) in Humboldt is looking for Saskatchewan farmers with canola in storage that will remain in storage until at least August…
Crop yield has a lot to do with weather — rainfall, temperature, frost and hail are the biggies. Agronomic steps to reduce weather related risk can go a long way to help canola achieve higher yields under stress…
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