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—Before moving machinery, perform a walk-around check to ensure no one is near the equipment and warn anyone in the immediate area that the machinery will be moving. Keep bystanders away from high traffic areas in the farmyard. More tips…
Be sure to go in and pull up some plants to properly check for blackleg and other diseases before you decide on the culprit. Here are a few key tips for distinguishing the cause behind similar damage symptoms…
You may have made a tentative plan for harvesting your canola a few weeks ago, but conditions may have you considering other options. Here are a few items to note for different situations…
Do you know how to keep your canola clean?…
With unpredictable weather and/or many acres to manage, it can be tempting to start swathing too early. However, the potential for higher yields, higher grades and greater profits are some of the reasons you may want to hold back…
When your crop is mature and your field is dry enough to get on, it may be tempting to continue swathing through the heat of the day, but remember that this can have some negative impacts on the canola coming off…
Just as the Canadian athletes represent Canada at the Olympic Games, grain produced by Canadian farmers goes on to represent Canada to our customers around the world…
While you are out scouting for disease, you may as well check for a few critters too! Here are the insects you should be looking for at this time of year…
The Canola Council of Canada’s Ultimate Canola Challenge (UCC) is still underway, and while we await the yield results, here is a quick summary of the program this season…