Here are two sets of symptoms Canola Council of Canada agronomy specialists saw this week. We have hypotheses as to the causes, but these plants have been sent off to the lab for confirmation. In the meantime, we're asking for your diagnoses…
Canola Watch Posts
The spray to swath interval calculator can be used to quickly check pre-harvest intervals for herbicides and desiccants applied pre-harvest as well as insecticides and fungicides applied earlier in the season. Once you’ve selected the product used (or to be used), the ‘Sync your calendar’ tool can calculate your suggested swath date based on your spray date and product. Check…
A few fields were sprayed for bertha armyworm in the past week, but these are fairly isolated cases. In general, the worms have been a low threat to canola this year. But some fields can encounter higher populations while others nearby have few or none…
Canola rarely has an issue with storage insects. Primary stored product insects such as rusty grain beetle, red flour beetle and saw-toothed grain beetle can occasionally be found in stored canola if cereal grain or weed seeds are mixed in with the canola. Canola that goes into a clean bin will not usually encounter a problem with stored grain insects…
—Before moving machinery, perform a walk-around check to ensure no one is near the equipment and warn anyone in the immediate area that the machinery will be moving. Keep bystanders away from high traffic areas in the farmyard. More tips…