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Snow on swathed canola will delay harvest, just like a rain would, but all a grower can do in this situation is wait it out. Snow on standing canola could be another matter…
The key strategy of fall fertilization is to store nitrogen over the winter in the ammonium form – which is held on clay and organic matter – and is referred to as stabilized N. To keep nitrogen in this stabilized ammonium form and protect it for crop use next year…
Snow in October is not usually a major problem for fall soil tests. Temperatures often improve before winter sets in for good, so sampling opportunities usually present themselves…
When freezing temperatures stop fall weed control plans, snow is likely more of a help than a hindrance with respect to overall weed condition. The snow layer is likely to insulate the weed leaf material from the colder conditions that follow it. That could mean you’re back spraying earlier than you would be with frost alone. Spray decisions — when…
If you are thinking about what to plant for next year, a great place to look for unbiased variety data that reflect actual production practices is the Canola Performance Trials website at www.canolaperformancetrials.ca…
Decisions on what variety, nutrient or crop input product to buy are improved with good data. When looking for data, here are a few clues as to the quality of the data set:…
In preparation for next season, here are a few field and office jobs and WHEN to start them…
We heard a report this week of tough canola starting to heat after just two days in the bin. This is a good reminder to put canola on aeration right after harvest, especially if it’s tough or hot or both. Waiting a couple weeks until all the combining is done may be too late…
Fall is a good time to control perennial and winter annual weeds, but spraying immediately after harvest may not provide the best results. Perennial weeds cut off at harvest need time to accumulate new leaf tissue to absorb herbicides. Four weeks is a minimum recommendation and six weeks is ideal…