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Combining is the best way to remove canola still in the field. Quality will likely be down, but it will still be worth something. If canola isn’t too tough and ground is still frozen, it may be worth a try sooner than later — especially if soil moisture was high heading into winter…
Hungry wildlife may have discovered your grain bags and opened them up for a snack. With the ground still frozen, it may be a good time to empty bags if wildlife damage is evident and spoilage is likely…
Want to run check strips to see if a new product or technique will pay off on your farm? Here's how:…
The new Canola Calculator has two tools to help growers set seeding rates and plant stands that match seed size, risk factors and estimated seed survival…
The new Canola Calculator has two tools to help growers set seeding rates and plant stands that match seed size, risk factors and estimated seed survival…
The Canola Council of Canada has a new video describing swede midge, its life cycle and the damage it can cause canola crops in Western Canada. The video also mentions the new midge that is similar to but distinct from swede midge…
Canola Digest is the official publication of Canada's canola growers. It covers a range of topics from agronomics to marketing to the latest developments in the canola industry…
The 11 Canola Council of Canada agronomy specialist have set individual priorities for their 2017 communications. Here is your chance to identify the agronomist for your region and see the focus areas for the whole team…
Growers in the short-season zone will consider days to maturity (DTM) of a variety. Those in counties with clubroot should strongly consider a clubroot resistant variety. Queries on the Canola Performance Trials website can help growers consider these and many other factors when selecting a variety…