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This is the 50th anniversary of the canola industry association. In 1967, growers, seed developers, processors and exporters formed the Rapeseed Association of Canada, forerunner to the Canola Council of Canada. It is the first industry association in Canada to encompass all links of a value chain…
Want to help out with a research project. Fields are needed for Ultimate Canola Challenge trials, AAFC research into habitat enhancement and pollinators, University of Calgary research on landscape features and their effect on yield, and validation of lygus and flea beetle thresholds…
Clearfield variety 46A76 has been de-registered by its registering company. Registration will be cancelled as of August 1, 2017, which means 46A76 crops harvested after that date cannot be legally delivered into the grain system in Canada. For this reason, growers should not grow 46A76 this year…
Follow these tips to avoid unacceptable residues: 1. Use acceptable pesticides only. Only use products that are registered for your crop and won’t cause concerns for customers. 2. Use pesticides correctly. Consult the label for proper rates and timing…
With a late harvest in many fields last fall, growers may have missed the opportunity for fall weed control. That could mean higher levels of winter annuals and perennials this spring. The delayed harvest could also mean higher amounts of volunteer canola seeds. This could be a big year for volunteer canola…
Tom Wolf, owner of AgriMetrix in Saskatoon and long-serving spray applications researcher, says higher water volume doesn’t necessarily increase herbicide performance, but it improves the consistency of performance…
There are two problems with ruts in fields: 1. Ruts increase wear and tear on machinery, reduce operator comfort and disrupt the seed bed. They need to be filled in and levelled off before seeding in spring. 2. Ruts can mean potential hidden soil compaction which could extend to 24 inches below the depth of the rut. Soils are most…
Each farm will base its nitrogen application practices on time, labour, equipment and cost. Often losses in efficiency in one area can be compensated for by improvements in another. The "best" nitrogen (N) system is not universal, but will depend on the major limiting factors on each individual farm. Here are key points to consider for the six most common…
A report released today, March 2, shows that canola’s value to the Canadian economy has tripled over the past decade to $26.7 billion a year…