For in-crop management of cleavers in canola, both glyphosate and glufosinate work best on smaller spring-germinating plants. Early herbicide application is also best for crop yield. Use a rate and water volume suitable for cleavers. Find details in the provincial crop protection guides: crop protection for your province: Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba…
Canola Watch Posts
img src="" alt="" width="300" height="188" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-13429" /> The 2017 Canola Performance Trials are off to a great start this growing season! The 25 CPT small plot sites are distributed across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. All three herbicide tolerance systems and nine different seed companies are represented…
Hot and dry and sand blasting. Tips for spraying in the wind. Do you need a second herbicide application? And more…
These five questions are based on content from the handy crop protection guides from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Manitoba and Saskatchewan guides are the same with different covers. Alberta has its own, often called the "Blue Book" Here are links to online posting for all three: Manitoba Guide to Field Crop Protection 2017 Saskatchewan Guide to Crop Protection 2017 Alberta…
The Canola Council of Canada agronomy team looked at this photo above and discussed whether the field should be sprayed now or in a few days after more weeds have emerged. Consensus was that the field could have been sprayed a few days earlier. Angela Brackenreed, who scouted the field, says the weeds just became visible in the past three…
Tank mixes used for pre-seed burnoff ahead of cereals often contain Group 2 and Group 14 products that can hang up in sprayer plumbing. These residues can be particularly damaging to canola. Common canola-crop herbicides and surfactants left in a tank for any extended period of time are very good at removing these residue deposits from tank walls and sprayer…