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These can be hard to tell apart sometimes. Pinched or otherwise damaged-looking stems can occur with all three. The photo shows blackleg infection. Here’s how to tell them apart…
Hot days (28-30°C and up) and warm nights (16°C and up) from bud to mid-flowering stages can have a significant effect on canola yield…
Flowering canola can, with enough time, recover from hail that knocks off a large percentage of flowers. Time and moisture are the best treatments…
The Canadian Agriculture and Food Museum opened its new exhibit “Canola! Seeds of Innovation” on July 1. Through the interactive exhibition, visitors can explore the story of the “made in Canada” crop…
If canola plants start to look funny after herbicide spray season, it could be that residues were stripped from the sprayer tank and plumbing, or that spray drifted in from another field. The following images show typical symptoms of foliar herbicide mishaps. Can you name the herbicide group that caused the damage?…
Attendees at canolaPALOOZA in Saskatoon, Portage la Prairie and Lacombe could write their own Top 10s and come up with completely different lists from ours. This is ours…
If conditions were dry, then turned wet, the sclerotinia risk depends on when this transition occurred. Early dry weather doesn’t matter as much as long as you have moisture within the canopy leading up to and during the flowering period…
As a rough estimate, the 20% flower or "bloom" stage is when the main stem has around 15 “flowers”. Canola can reach 20% bloom in 4-5 days after first flower…
Parts of Saskatchewan had frost this week! The message for a late June frost would be similar to a frost early in the spring: Wait to assess crop regrowth, and hope that at least one plant per square foot survives. The key difference is that by late June reseeding really isn’t an option…