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Thresholds for lygus bugs and cabbage seedpod weevil are based on a specific sweep net technique. If you’re not doing a complete 180° pattern, walking while you sweep, and keeping……
As canola starts to move from flowering and into pod formation, growers will often notice blanks up the raceme where pods did not form. Heat and drought would be common reasons this year…
While scouting for flower staging, canopy moisture and pod-feeding insects, also take a look for deformed buds and growing points, small pale flowers and anything else unusual. Over the years, Canola Watch has written about all kinds of potential causes for a wide range of symptoms at the reproductive stage. These include…
With prolonged dry conditions and recent hot weather, yield potential has dropped to very low levels in some fields. One CCC agronomist this week had a conversation about cutting this canola for silage. For a helpful link and more important shorts…
Hot and dry or hot and humid? Hot, dry weather should reduce the risk of heavy sclerotinia infection, even if moist weather earlier promoted a lot of apothecia emergence and spore release. Hot, humid weather that leads to morning dew and a humid canopy can promote the disease. Keep in mind that even thought the sclerotinia fungus does not like…
While some areas are reporting higher numbers of diamondback moth larvae (shown above), it takes 100-150 larvae per square metre in immature to flowering plants or 200 to 300 larvae per square metre in plants with flowers and pods to cause enough damage to warrant a spray. Natural controls, including beneficial insects, tend to keep numbers below thresholds…
This article provides a review of thresholds for major insect pests of canola, as well as background on how they were established and how following thresholds can improve profitability…
A Canola Watch reader sent us this question: I have wild buckwheat at the 3- to 4-leaf stage that somehow got missed with the first application of Liberty 10 days ago . It's moderate in severity. Will it cause me grief at swath timing? And or will it have any effect on yield? Crop stage is 6-leaf or so…
Wind and wet pushed back a lot of weed management and some fields are still not sprayed. In this situation, intense weed pressure can reduce yields by 20%, 30%, 50%... That's why early weed control has a huge positive effect on profitability, but late control is better than nothing. Late control can stop the yield loss, stop weeds from contributing…