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If conditions are dry at early flower and then it rains at 40% to 50% flower, spraying at the end of the window may be effective. This would be especially true if moisture also promoted a longer flowering window due to later compensatory growth…
Small amounts of spores can lead to yield-robbing levels of sclerotinia in continued moist conditions. A petal test to confirm the presence of sclerotinia DNA on petals could be used to provide an indication of pathogen pressure at the time of petal collection…
Grasshoppers can thrive in hot weather. The nominal threshold for grasshoppers in canola is 7-12 per square meter, with the low end more appropriate in dry conditions…
In light hail, canola can sometime over-compensate and produce even higher yield. In serious hail situations where entire flowering branches are knocked off, plants that are still actively flowering can produce new branches. This will set back maturity, but with enough season left, these new branches can produce a decent yield…
Check patches of prematurely ripening canola for signs up disease. Dig up roots to check for clubroot galls. Early infection at the seedling stage can result in wilting, stunting, yellowing and even death of canola plants in the late rosette to early podding stage…
What's in your sweep net?…
Hot weather during flowering can increase flower and pod abortion and reduce overall yield potential. Return on investment from a fungicide applications is more likely if yield potential is at least 30 bu./ac., with ROI going up as yields increase beyond that threshold…
Thresholds for diamondback moth larvae are 100-150 larvae per square meter in immature to flowering plants and 200-300 larvae per square meter in plants with flowers and pods…
In very dry conditions: If canola is $12 per bushel and spray costs $8 per acre, the threshold at the early pod stage is 5 lygus adults or late instar nymphs per 10 sweeps (0.5 per sweep). In moist and high-yield conditions: The economic threshold is quite a bit higher. At early pod stage, 50 lygus per 10 sweeps (5…