Straight-combining canola can be made easier with a pre-harvest herbicide. Here are the options: glyphosate, Heat LQ/glyphosate and Reglone (diquat)…
Canola Watch Posts
Test your diamondback management skills with these four questions…
Diamondback moth larvae have been found in canola fields across the Prairies this year. Of those fields with the larvae, counts in many (perhaps most) are below and often well below thresholds. Some fields are at thresholds. Some fields seem to be well above thresholds. The key is to the check each field. Diamondback larvae can vary in number from…
Bertha armyworm adult moth counts were generally low across the Prairies in 2017. A few trap sites did enter the moderate risk level, but none was high. See provincial counts in the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network blog. However, as experienced with diamondback moth trap counts this year, egg survival could be higher in dry conditions and warm weather will promote…
Optimal swath timing for canola yield and quality is when at least 60% of seeds on the main stem are showing some colour change. Seed colour change (SCC) is considered any amount of yellow or brown on the seed. (See scouting tips below.) This increases crop yield because side branches have longer to fill and average seed size for the…