Here are the main ways that clubroot spreads, in order from most to least spores:…
Canola Watch Posts
Some growers are already doing soil tests and making fall fertilizer applications. While this may not be the ideal timing for soil tests of fertilizer applications (closer to freeze up is better), this timing may satisfy a number of other issues, including custom soil-sampler availability, wanting test results before fall application, and checking to see if current soil nutrient levels…
Perennials such as thistles and dandelions are best controlled from mid-September to early October. Waiting at least a month after cutting will increase the target leaf area, but later dates increase the risk of losing healthy leaf tissue to frost. Without healthy leaf tissue, the herbicide can’t get translocation to the weed’s crown and storage roots where the killing can…
This time of year, seed in standing canola can sit for a long time at firm-to-roll stages (which are basically mature) without turning colour, especially if moisture is adequate and temperatures are cool, slowing the dry down process…
When harvest is slowed by rainy, cool days, combining often occurs in short spurts. In those spurts, the first and last loads of the day are often tough. This can mean an increased storage risk. Condition these bins with aeration to even out moisture and temperature. Consider filling bins to only two-thirds capacity to allow for improved air flow…
The Canadian Grain Commission’s Harvest Sample Program is a voluntary program for Canadian grain producers. If you sign up, you will receive a Harvest Sample kit annually that contains envelopes……
When well-designed research studies are done for micronutrients in canola, results show little if any economic benefit…